الجمعة، 22 أبريل 2011

The Way To Trade

Out of cash and out of control

...But before you read any further, let me confess something: trading was in control of my life. My friends used to laugh at my obsession with the markets. I had a full time job but every spare minute was spent swamped in the markets. Newsletters, bulletin boards, books, courses, software, data services, tips and more. Oh man give it a rest! I was working full time just to pay for all of these.
If it moved I traded it - up and down, back and forth, stocks, futures, options - I just couldn't give it up. And the trading results? Well if there had been an award for the world's worst trader, I would have scooped the prize annually.
Week after week, month after month, cash was draining from my account. In fact I was only days from being forced to quit trading altogether as my account was nearly dry. The gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach was an almost permanent presence. Do you know the feeling I mean? The stress was unbearable.
But then one day it happened, I remember it clearly... a trading friend telephoned almost bouncing with excitement. He told me he had just read a trading book and that I simply must see it too. A skeptic, after all these years of disappearing cash, I'd heard it all before but took the plunge anyway



Light at the end of the tunnel

Oh boy am I glad I did. Suddenly it all clicked into place and there was a hotlink to my brain. I soaked up everything I read like a hot dry sponge in a cold pool of water. Talk about having a smile on your face.
In a flash my trading took off and the profits started rolling in within days. First a few hundred dollars here, then a few hundred dollars there, then a few thousand dollars and more. It just kept on going - I was amazed and wondered where it was going to end. And all this from an account that was only days from total wipe-out. Can you imagine the feelings of joy this creates?
The Way To Trade was the book I mentioned. What I discovered was such a collection of fresh concepts, such a breakthrough in it's approach and was so jam-packed full of priceless ideas I just had to tell you about it, so it will help you in the way it helped me. In minutes you'll discover for yourself exactly why I'm bursting with such enthusiasm


If you're like me you've been searching for answers to the trading puzzle for longer than you care to remember. But you have a priceless advantage over me. Whilst I sat and waited for The Way To Trade to fall into my lap, you've gone out and found it for yourself. If it's made such a huge difference to someone like me, can you begin to imagine what it will do for someone like you?
So what exactly has The Way To Trade done for me? Well it revolutionized my trading, gave me back control and demolished the stress. But best of all, do you remember that full time job I mentioned earlier? Well that's just a distant memory, because now I know that



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