الجمعة، 21 أكتوبر 2011

مقاطع فيديو لم تحجب ليبيا والقذافي

شاهدو رجوله شباب ليبيا
لا تفاهم ولا تفاوض مع ناس كانو واقفين بدبباتهم امام بنغازى لاباده المدينه ولاكن ربك حمى الناس والعباد بفضل من الله وانطلقت الثورة ولو كنتم مكانهم والدبابه اتيه لتدمير مدينتك وقتلك انت واهلك واغتصاب شرفك .. هل كنت سوف تسكت وتصفق وتطبل .. وياريت لو عدو يلي جاى يذبحك .. لا ابن بلدك فى دبابه من فلوسك وحق الشعب .. يعنى بفلوسك يقتلوك .. الثوره اليبيه بنظرى احلى وافضل ثورة تابعتها ويشهد الله انى تمنيت ان اكون معهم

التكبر والتغطرس كما يفعل كل الحكام الظالمين

ونعم الاسلام .. ونعم العروبه .. فى اغتصاب النساء

جاك الرد .. ومثله قادم لجميع الحكام الظالمين

وهذه النتيجه .. ان شاء الله لجميع الحكام الظالمين

الدنيا ما تستاهل .. ماحد ماخذ مليارات معه .. ريح شعبك ترتاح بدنيتك واخرتك

" مقتبس وياحسرة مقدما على الحكام يقرؤن هذا الكلام ولا يعتبرون "

العرب والمسلمين كانو اذا فتحو دوله وغنمو من الحرب يوزعون هذه الثروات والغنائم على الجنود والباقى يرحل الى بيت مال المسلمين = وزرات فى الوقت الحاضر = وبعدها يوزع على الشعب كله

كانت خلافة عمر بن عبد العزيز فترة تعم العدل والرخاء في أرجاء البلاد الإسلامية حتى أن الرجل كان ليخرج الزكاة من أمواله فيبحث عن الفقراء فلا يجد من في حاجة إليها. كان عمر قد جمع جماعة من الفقهاء والعلماء وقال لهم: "إني قد دعوتكم لأمر هذه المظالم التي في أيدي أهل بيتي، فما ترون فيها؟ فقالوا: يا أمير المؤمنين : إن ذلك أمرًا كان في غير ولايتك، وإن وزر هذه المظالم على من غصبها"، فلم يرتح عمر إلى قولهم وأخذ بقول جماعة آخرين منهم ابنه عبد الملك الذي قال له: أرى أن تردها إلى أصحابها ما دمت قد عرفت أمرها، وإنك إن لم تفعل كنت شريكا للذين أخذوها ظلما. فاستراح عمر لهذا الرأي وقام يرد المظالم إلى أهلها.

وعن عطاء بن أبي رباح قال: حدثتني فاطمة امرأة عمر بن عبد العزيز: أنها دخلت عليه فإذا هو في مصلاه، سائلة دموعه، فقالت: يا أمير المؤمنين، ألشئ حدث؟ قال: يا فاطمة إني تقلدت أمر أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلّم فتفكرت في الفقير الجائع، والمريض الضائع، والعاري المجهود، والمظلوم المقهور، والغريب المأسور، وذي العيال في اقطار الأرض، فعلمت أن ربي سيسألني عنهم، وأن خصمي دونهم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فخشيت أن لا تثبت لي حجة عن خصومته، فرحمت نفسي فبكيت.

كان شديد المحاسبة لنفسه وَرِعًا تقيًا، كان يقسم تفاحًا أفاءه الله على المسلمين، فتناول ابن له صغير تفاحة، فأخذها من فمه، وأوجع فمه فبكى الطفل الصغير، وذهب لأمه فاطمة، فأرسلت من أشترى له تفاحًا. وعاد إلى البيت وما عاد معه بتفاحة واحدة، فقال لفاطمة: في البيت تفاح؟ إني أَشُمُ الرائحة، قالت: لا، وقصت عليه القصة –قصة ابنه- فَذَرفت عيناه الدموع وقال: والله لقد انتزعتها من فم ابني وكأنما أنتزعها من قلبي، لكني كرهت أن أضيع نفسي بتفاحة من فيْء المسلمين قبل أن يُقَسَّم الفَيءُ.

جاءوه مرّة بالزكاة فقال أنفقوها على الفقراء والمساكين فقالوا ما عاد في أمة الإسلام فقراء ولا مساكين، قال فجهزوا بها الجيوش، قالوا جيش الإسلام يجوب الدنيا، قال فزوجوا بها الشباب ,فقالوا من كان يريد الزواج زوج، وبقي مال فقال اقضوا الديون على المدينين، قضوه وبقي المال, فقال انظروا في أهل الكتاب(المسيحيين واليهود) من كان عليه دين فسددوا عنه ففعلوا وبقي المال، فقال أعطوا أهل العلم فأعطوهم وبقي مال، فقال اشتروا به حباً وانثروه على رؤوس الجبال, لتأكل الطير من خير المسلمين

مقاطع فيديو لم تحجب ليبيا والقذافي

شاهدو رجوله شباب ليبيا
لا تفاهم ولا تفاوض مع ناس كانو واقفين بدبباتهم امام بنغازى لاباده المدينه ولاكن ربك حمى الناس والعباد بفضل من الله وانطلقت الثورة ولو كنتم مكانهم والدبابه اتيه لتدمير مدينتك وقتلك انت واهلك واغتصاب شرفك .. هل كنت سوف تسكت وتصفق وتطبل .. وياريت لو عدو يلي جاى يذبحك .. لا ابن بلدك فى دبابه من فلوسك وحق الشعب .. يعنى بفلوسك يقتلوك .. الثوره اليبيه بنظرى احلى وافضل ثورة تابعتها ويشهد الله انى تمنيت ان اكون معهم

التكبر والتغطرس كما يفعل كل الحكام الظالمين

ونعم الاسلام .. ونعم العروبه .. فى اغتصاب النساء

جاك الرد .. ومثله قادم لجميع الحكام الظالمين

وهذه النتيجه .. ان شاء الله لجميع الحكام الظالمين

الدنيا ما تستاهل .. ماحد ماخذ مليارات معه .. ريح شعبك ترتاح بدنيتك واخرتك

" مقتبس وياحسرة مقدما على الحكام يقرؤن هذا الكلام ولا يعتبرون "

العرب والمسلمين كانو اذا فتحو دوله وغنمو من الحرب يوزعون هذه الثروات والغنائم على الجنود والباقى يرحل الى بيت مال المسلمين = وزرات فى الوقت الحاضر = وبعدها يوزع على الشعب كله

كانت خلافة عمر بن عبد العزيز فترة تعم العدل والرخاء في أرجاء البلاد الإسلامية حتى أن الرجل كان ليخرج الزكاة من أمواله فيبحث عن الفقراء فلا يجد من في حاجة إليها. كان عمر قد جمع جماعة من الفقهاء والعلماء وقال لهم: "إني قد دعوتكم لأمر هذه المظالم التي في أيدي أهل بيتي، فما ترون فيها؟ فقالوا: يا أمير المؤمنين : إن ذلك أمرًا كان في غير ولايتك، وإن وزر هذه المظالم على من غصبها"، فلم يرتح عمر إلى قولهم وأخذ بقول جماعة آخرين منهم ابنه عبد الملك الذي قال له: أرى أن تردها إلى أصحابها ما دمت قد عرفت أمرها، وإنك إن لم تفعل كنت شريكا للذين أخذوها ظلما. فاستراح عمر لهذا الرأي وقام يرد المظالم إلى أهلها.

وعن عطاء بن أبي رباح قال: حدثتني فاطمة امرأة عمر بن عبد العزيز: أنها دخلت عليه فإذا هو في مصلاه، سائلة دموعه، فقالت: يا أمير المؤمنين، ألشئ حدث؟ قال: يا فاطمة إني تقلدت أمر أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلّم فتفكرت في الفقير الجائع، والمريض الضائع، والعاري المجهود، والمظلوم المقهور، والغريب المأسور، وذي العيال في اقطار الأرض، فعلمت أن ربي سيسألني عنهم، وأن خصمي دونهم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فخشيت أن لا تثبت لي حجة عن خصومته، فرحمت نفسي فبكيت.

كان شديد المحاسبة لنفسه وَرِعًا تقيًا، كان يقسم تفاحًا أفاءه الله على المسلمين، فتناول ابن له صغير تفاحة، فأخذها من فمه، وأوجع فمه فبكى الطفل الصغير، وذهب لأمه فاطمة، فأرسلت من أشترى له تفاحًا. وعاد إلى البيت وما عاد معه بتفاحة واحدة، فقال لفاطمة: في البيت تفاح؟ إني أَشُمُ الرائحة، قالت: لا، وقصت عليه القصة –قصة ابنه- فَذَرفت عيناه الدموع وقال: والله لقد انتزعتها من فم ابني وكأنما أنتزعها من قلبي، لكني كرهت أن أضيع نفسي بتفاحة من فيْء المسلمين قبل أن يُقَسَّم الفَيءُ.

جاءوه مرّة بالزكاة فقال أنفقوها على الفقراء والمساكين فقالوا ما عاد في أمة الإسلام فقراء ولا مساكين، قال فجهزوا بها الجيوش، قالوا جيش الإسلام يجوب الدنيا، قال فزوجوا بها الشباب ,فقالوا من كان يريد الزواج زوج، وبقي مال فقال اقضوا الديون على المدينين، قضوه وبقي المال, فقال انظروا في أهل الكتاب(المسيحيين واليهود) من كان عليه دين فسددوا عنه ففعلوا وبقي المال، فقال أعطوا أهل العلم فأعطوهم وبقي مال، فقال اشتروا به حباً وانثروه على رؤوس الجبال, لتأكل الطير من خير المسلمين

شرح اسطورة حذف الملفات من الجذور وصيانة الحاسوب بالكامل

شرح اسطورة حذف الملفات من الجذور وصيانة الحاسوب بالكامل

" Your Uninstaller "

شرح كامل بالصور

يعد هذا البرنامج من وجهة نظري موسوعة كاملة لصيانة الحاسوب

ولما له من اهمية كبيرة جداااا وقد غفل البعض عن شروحات بعض المميزات به

قد وجب علينا ان نعطيه حقة بالشرح ، فهو علاوة على ان البعض يعتبرة فقط برنامج لحذف

البرامج المثبته على الجهاز من الجذور ، يعتبر ايضاااا برنامج متكامل وشامل للصيانة

واليكم الشرح الكامل وتفاصيل اكثر عن مميزات هذا البرنامج الرائع

1 / ميزة حذف البرامج المثبتة على الجهاز من الجذور

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 109KB.

اولا يجب بعد تثبيت وفتح البرنامج تغيير اللغة الى العربية كما هو بالصورة

بالضغط على View ثم Languages

ثم اختار اللغة العربية واغلق البرنامج وافتحه من جديد لتفعيل اللغة

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 117KB.

كما تلاحظ بعد تغيير اللغة هنا ظهر البرنامج باللغة العربية

ولحذف البرامج من الجذور ، اضغط على ايقونة البرنامج المراد حذفه

ثم اضغط على الغاء تثبيت سريع كما بالصورة

هنا اترك الجهاز حتى الانتهاء من الحذف

سوف يظهر لك عدة نوافذ صغيرة وافق بنعم عليها لإكمال عملية الحذف ثم اضغط على انهاء

2 / ميزة ابقاء او حذف برامج بدء تشغيل النظام

وهي البرامج التي تعمل عند بدء تشغيل الويندوز ، ولك الاختيار اما الابقاء او الحذف

ومهمة الحذف هي المساعدة على ابقاء النظام سريع وبدون تهنيق

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 140KB.

هنا كيفية ابقاء برامج بدء تشغيل النظام مفتوحة اي تعمل او اغلاقها ولكن يجب عليك الانتباه

انه لابد من ابقاء برامج الحماية مفتوحة كذلك برامج التحميل وبرامج الصوت عند بدء تشغيل

النظام ، وهذا مهم جداااا ...

3/ ميزة تنظيف الانترنت من الملفات الزائدة والغير ضروريه

وهذه الميزة من اهم عوامل تسريع التصفح والتحميل من الانترنت

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 116KB.

هنا كما يتبين من الصوره ، عليك كل فترة التأشير بالمربعات ثم اضغط تنظيف

هذه الخطوة مهمة جداااا ان تفعلها كل فترة ممكنة لتسريع الجهاز والانترنت

4 / ميزة تمزيق ومحو اي ملف او مجلد او صورة نهائياااا من الجهاز

وهذه الميزة مهمة جداااا لمن يريد تمزيق ومحو وازالة اي ملف او مجلد او صورة نهائياااااا من

الجهاز ، بحيث يستحيل على اي برنامج استرجاع ملفات او صور ان يسترجعهااا على الاطلاق

وهي تهم قطاع كبير جداااا من الاشخاص اللذين يضطرون الى صيانة اجهزتهم عند مهندسي الصيانة

ويخافون العبث بها

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 133KB.

هنا شرح تمزيق ومحو وازالة الملفات والمجلدات والصور كما هو مبين بالصورة

5 / ميزة تنظيف القرص الصلب الهارددسك

هذه الميزة مشروحة من قبل بموضوع سابق لأخي ومشرفنا الغالي الفتى اديب

وهي لتنظيف القرص من الملفات الزائدة والغير ضروريه ، واهميتها لتسريع الجهاز

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 114KB.

وكما هو بالصورة شرح تنظيف القرص الصلب

6 / ميزة كل خصائص النظام موجود بنافذة واحدة تحت اعينك

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 122KB.

البعض منا لا يعرف الدخول الى خاصية استعادة النظام او الغاء التجزئة للقرص الصلب

من داخل الويندوز ، ولكن الان ومن السهل جدااا ومن خلال البرنامج يتضح وجود هذه الخصائص

خاصية استعادة النظام لنقطة سابقة في حالة وجود عطب او خلل بالجهاز

كذلك من السهل ان تعمل الغاء تجزئة للقرص الصلب في حالة تهنيق وبط الجهاز

كذلك ان تعرف اكثر عن خصائص جهازك ومعلومات عن النظام ، وايضاااا معلومات

عن الشبكة ومركز الامان

وايضا تشغيل لوحة المفاتيح الاوتوماتيكية من داخل الويندوز في حالة عطب لوحة المفاتيح الخارجية

وميزات اخرى اتركها لتعرفها بنفسك بهذا البرنامج الشامل والعملاق .

صور لتوضيح بعض ادوات الويندوز من داخل البرنامج

صورة لتوضيح عمل استعادة للنظام من داخل البرنامج

صورة لتوضيح عمل الغاء التجزئة للقرص الصلب من داخل البرنامج

تم تصغير هذه الصورة تلقائياً. اضغط هنا لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي. المقاس الاصلي للصورة هو 768x553 وحجمها هو 130KB.

صورة لتوضيح عمل لوحة المفاتيح الداخلية للويندوز من خلال البرنامج

حجم البرنامج
5 ميجاااا تقريبااااا

تحميل البرنامج

رابط الشركة المنتجة للبرنامج


رابط مباشر تجريبي لمدة محدودة معرب للبرنامج

ستايلات بلوجر قوقل مدونة قوقل


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ما111جد911 غير متصل تقرير عن مشاركة مخالفة

عائشة القذافي تصاب بصدمه وتدخل المستشفى في الجزائر


نقل عائشة القذافي للمستشفى



 نقلت مصادر صحافية من الجزائر ان ابنة الزعيم الليبي عائشة القذافي قد تم نقلها الى احد المستشفيات عقب تأكيد نبأ مقتل والدها وشقيقيها المعتصم وسيف الاسلام.

وذلك بعد ان بثت محطات التلفزيون صور الشاب الليبي احمد الشيباني وهو محمول على الاعناق ويحمل مسدسا ذهبياً، قيل انه كان بحوزة العقيد معمر القذافي قبل ان يأخذه احمد (18 عاما) ويطلق النار منه على العقيد، مما ادى الى مقتله.

الأربعاء، 19 أكتوبر 2011

ابو مشاري والفالي وكيف تصلي المعذورة

ابو مشاري والفالي وكيف تصلي المعذورة

ابو مشاري والفالي ومتعة الأنترنت

ابو مشاري والسلسلة الذهبية عند الفالي

ابو مشاري والشيف موسى الخمار

ابو مشاري والعرادي تخميس اشتراكات القنوات

ابو مشاري والعرادي يتهم علي بالمتعة

‫ابو مشاري الفرق بين الزواج السني والزواج الشيعي‬‎

ابو مشاري والفالي والبيض والموسيقى

ابو مشاري تفسير آية الله نور السموات والأرض

ابو مشاري حيوانات الغابة تبكي وتلطم على الحسين

ابو مشاري تفسير آية الله نور السموات والأرض

ابو مشاري صار معلق مباريات

ابو مشاري علي يحيي الموتى

ابو مشاري ماهي ميزة الشيعي و كيف يموت

ابو مشاري ماذا يحصل اذا طلب الرافضي الدليل

ابو مشاري واتصال بستلايت الحوراء

ابو مشاري نبي الله ابراهيم من شيعة علي

ابو مشاري الفالي وبرنامج الأسرة

ابو مشاري اتصال في العرادي وسؤال في الخمس

ابو مشاري واتصال على ستلايت الحوراء للمرة الثانية

ابو مشاري الفالي ينصح الشيعية لاتصيري نعجه

ابو مشاري الفالي وخبر عاجل على السي ان ان

ابو مشاري المعممين يحاربون الفقر

ابو مشاري الفرق بين عبد العذراء وعبد الزهراء

ابو مشاري الهندوس وتربة الحسين

ابو مشاري الزهراء توزع صكوك الغفران

ابو مشاري آيات الله لاتظهر إلا بواسطة اهل البيت

ابو مشاري الفالي اخصائي التغذية

ابو مشاري الفالي وقصة الحج وهل حج السستاني والخميني

ابو مشاري المهاجر الكون خلق من أجل فاطمة

ابو مشاري ابليس ينصح نوح ‎

ابو مشاري اتصال العرادي تخميس البرامج

ابو مشاري ابو الفضل العباس يحيي الموتى

ابو مشاري اتصال بمحمد سعيد العرادي عدة المتعة

ابو مشاري اتصال بمحمد العرادي سؤال عن تفخيذ الرضيعة

ابو مشاري اتصال ستلايت الزينبية

الأربعاء، 15 يونيو 2011

The Golf Swing Secre

That no matter what method or gimmick you try, no matter how much money you spend on clubs and lessons, no matter how much you practice, you still don't seem to see any real improvement. Am I right?

You still slice, you still hook, you can't get any distance & consistency is non-existent.

Beyond this, you're mind is overloaded with mechanical thoughts, tips and lessons that create even more confusion and uncertainty.

A never ending stream of mechanical swing keys and well meaning advice keep your golf swing and mind in a constant state of flux destroying any consistency and confidence you might otherwise build.

Keep your head down..follow through...left arm straight...turn the left hip first...weak grip... strong grip... stack and tilt... shift your weight... one plane... two plane... Where does it all end and does any of it really work?

Believe me... I know how you feel. I've been there!

I've taught hundreds of students and played professionally overseas.

I was a PGA Golf Professional and custom club fitter back before custom clubs were the rage but then...

I ruptured a disc in my lower back which forced me out of the game for 2 full years.

Long story short, when I finally got healthy enough to play, I was horrible. I literally couldn't break 100.

My body simply wouldn't allow me to do the things I had been used to doing in my golf swing prior to my injury...

so I had a choice to make...

I could either continue to be embarrassed by my play, quit the game completely or find a new way to play.

A way that wouldn't hurt my back and that would deliver results even with very little practice time.

I tried it all... every gimmick... every method... I read all the books and magazines... I even paid another instructor to work with me... NONE of it helped! Until, that is... I accidentally stumbled upon the secret.

Over the next 2 months, I spent 30 minutes every week working with what is now my Golf Swing Secret method and 30 minutes working on my chipping and putting.

The results were amazing as I quickly got my score back to where it had been prior to my injury. Playing twice a month and practicing just 30 minutes a week, I was routinely shooting in the low to middle 70's and even breaking par once in a while!

I actually added 25 yards to my drives during this same period and now at 47 years old, I'm hitting my driver longer than when I was 25!

I knew I was on to something special and started using this simple system to train my students.

The Golf Swing Secret has worked wonders for me and since that time has worked the same magic for hundreds of my students.


My method allows you to quickly and easily develop your own natural golf swing, a motion that you can repeat consistently without a lot of time spent on the driving range.

A golf swing that will work for you and will get stronger and stronger as you continue working with the program... even if the only practice time you get is 30 minutes before your weekly round.

I want to share this secret with you.

Today Is The First Day
Of The Rest Of Your Golfing Life...

Imagine for a moment, walking out on the first tee and knowing that your ball is going to finish in the fairway and that your playing partners are going to be amazed with your new found distance and control....

Imagine taking out a mid-iron and striking a solid shot right up by the flag stick and knocking the putt in for birdie...

Allow yourself to imagine hitting that long par 5 in two shots and putting for an eagle...

And now, imagine adding up your scorecard at the end of the day and realizing you just broke 80...you just beat all your buddies...they're paying and you're collecting.

Best of all...you can realize these results in as little as 30 minutes a week.

No more slicing... no more hooking... no more skulls or fat shots... (you'll still miss shots here and there...everyone does... even Tiger... but with The Golf Swing Secret, even your misses will finish closer to your target than you ever imagined...and you'll shoot lower scores!)

It's simple to get started, easy to do and The Golf Swing Secret will deliver results for you whether you're shooting 72 or 122...

I've Been Teaching Golf For Almost 25 Years...

Believe me when I say I've seen it all:  I've taught literally hundreds of students over the years and I've never seen a single one that couldn't improve ... that couldn't play better...
That couldn't realize their goals and continue improving long term working with the methods I share inside The Golf Swing Secret.

I've worked with scratch players, juniors, ladies and seniors of all levels of experience and expertise and I can honestly tell you that most of the instruction you see in print and in other media is absolutely worthless to you and to everyone else.

That's right... Trust me when I tell you that unless you have hours and hours to practice, you're in great physical condition and you have a swing coach or someone you trust to monitor you constantly, most of the stuff you read and see is absolutely worthless to you!

If you're like most of us... you're probably not in the best condition of your lfe, you don't have much time for practice ... and less time to actually play... but you still want to improve... you still want to hit longer drives, shoot lower scores and have more fun... And you still want to beat your friends!

If this describes you and you'd like to simplify the game, your thought processes and simply hit longer, more accurate, more consistent shots and shoot lower scores without spending hours on the driving range and without spending a wad of cash on expensive lessons that don't help any way and gimmicks that help less than the lessons, then The Golf Swing Secret is what you've been searching for!

If you want to beat your buddies round after round this year, this is the ticket!


The Golf Swing Secre

That no matter what method or gimmick you try, no matter how much money you spend on clubs and lessons, no matter how much you practice, you still don't seem to see any real improvement. Am I right?

You still slice, you still hook, you can't get any distance & consistency is non-existent.

Beyond this, you're mind is overloaded with mechanical thoughts, tips and lessons that create even more confusion and uncertainty.

A never ending stream of mechanical swing keys and well meaning advice keep your golf swing and mind in a constant state of flux destroying any consistency and confidence you might otherwise build.

Keep your head down..follow through...left arm straight...turn the left hip first...weak grip... strong grip... stack and tilt... shift your weight... one plane... two plane... Where does it all end and does any of it really work?

Believe me... I know how you feel. I've been there!

I've taught hundreds of students and played professionally overseas.

I was a PGA Golf Professional and custom club fitter back before custom clubs were the rage but then...

I ruptured a disc in my lower back which forced me out of the game for 2 full years.

Long story short, when I finally got healthy enough to play, I was horrible. I literally couldn't break 100.

My body simply wouldn't allow me to do the things I had been used to doing in my golf swing prior to my injury...

so I had a choice to make...

I could either continue to be embarrassed by my play, quit the game completely or find a new way to play.

A way that wouldn't hurt my back and that would deliver results even with very little practice time.

I tried it all... every gimmick... every method... I read all the books and magazines... I even paid another instructor to work with me... NONE of it helped! Until, that is... I accidentally stumbled upon the secret.

Over the next 2 months, I spent 30 minutes every week working with what is now my Golf Swing Secret method and 30 minutes working on my chipping and putting.

The results were amazing as I quickly got my score back to where it had been prior to my injury. Playing twice a month and practicing just 30 minutes a week, I was routinely shooting in the low to middle 70's and even breaking par once in a while!

I actually added 25 yards to my drives during this same period and now at 47 years old, I'm hitting my driver longer than when I was 25!

I knew I was on to something special and started using this simple system to train my students.

The Golf Swing Secret has worked wonders for me and since that time has worked the same magic for hundreds of my students.


My method allows you to quickly and easily develop your own natural golf swing, a motion that you can repeat consistently without a lot of time spent on the driving range.

A golf swing that will work for you and will get stronger and stronger as you continue working with the program... even if the only practice time you get is 30 minutes before your weekly round.

I want to share this secret with you.

Today Is The First Day
Of The Rest Of Your Golfing Life...

Imagine for a moment, walking out on the first tee and knowing that your ball is going to finish in the fairway and that your playing partners are going to be amazed with your new found distance and control....

Imagine taking out a mid-iron and striking a solid shot right up by the flag stick and knocking the putt in for birdie...

Allow yourself to imagine hitting that long par 5 in two shots and putting for an eagle...

And now, imagine adding up your scorecard at the end of the day and realizing you just broke 80...you just beat all your buddies...they're paying and you're collecting.

Best of all...you can realize these results in as little as 30 minutes a week.

No more slicing... no more hooking... no more skulls or fat shots... (you'll still miss shots here and there...everyone does... even Tiger... but with The Golf Swing Secret, even your misses will finish closer to your target than you ever imagined...and you'll shoot lower scores!)

It's simple to get started, easy to do and The Golf Swing Secret will deliver results for you whether you're shooting 72 or 122...

I've Been Teaching Golf For Almost 25 Years...

Believe me when I say I've seen it all:  I've taught literally hundreds of students over the years and I've never seen a single one that couldn't improve ... that couldn't play better...
That couldn't realize their goals and continue improving long term working with the methods I share inside The Golf Swing Secret.

I've worked with scratch players, juniors, ladies and seniors of all levels of experience and expertise and I can honestly tell you that most of the instruction you see in print and in other media is absolutely worthless to you and to everyone else.

That's right... Trust me when I tell you that unless you have hours and hours to practice, you're in great physical condition and you have a swing coach or someone you trust to monitor you constantly, most of the stuff you read and see is absolutely worthless to you!

If you're like most of us... you're probably not in the best condition of your lfe, you don't have much time for practice ... and less time to actually play... but you still want to improve... you still want to hit longer drives, shoot lower scores and have more fun... And you still want to beat your friends!

If this describes you and you'd like to simplify the game, your thought processes and simply hit longer, more accurate, more consistent shots and shoot lower scores without spending hours on the driving range and without spending a wad of cash on expensive lessons that don't help any way and gimmicks that help less than the lessons, then The Golf Swing Secret is what you've been searching for!

If you want to beat your buddies round after round this year, this is the ticket!


Renegade Mindset For Fighters

Elite fighters know that there is an inner and an outer game to MMA. Your day-to-day training and conditioning prepares your outer game. Strength, endurance, stamina, and techniques are directly impacted by your dedication to the art of MMA.

Unfortunately, most fighters spend 90% of their time on the outer game (the easy part) and only 10% of their time on the inner game.

Your Inner Game happens in your skull. It’s the mental side of the equation that controls your intensity, endurance, and tenacity.

It’s the ingredients that dictate IF you will give up.

Without a doubt, the fighter that can marshal both the physical and emotional wins every match. They have a metal-cutting intensity that cripples their opponent before the first strike is thrown. Their presence dominates the ring.

I trust that you have a handle on the outer game. I want to talk to you about the war you’ve gotta win in your own head.

We’ve Spent 37 Years INSIDE the heads of Combat Sports Ring Generals – And This is How We’ll Turn YOU into a Jedi Master

My name is Stephen Ladd and I’ve partnered with Bill Gladwell to take your mental training to the next level. Between the two of us, we have over 37 years helping average athletes transform into samurai masters.

We’ve taken our years of intense study, trial and error, and in-the-ring research to boil down the most lethal techniques into a step-by-step system – that flat out works,

Our system combines three state-of-the art technologies that have been picked because they deliver results:

1. Renegade Hypnosis: Dude, I’m not talking about swinging a watch in front of your face or you making an ass out of yourself clucking like a chicken. I AM talking about training your subconscious to create a lethal fighting machine from the INSIDE OUT. You get three individual fighter hypnosis sessions via MP3 Audio Downloads -

1) Renegade Killer Confidence and Speed Demon

Change the habitual response of negative pre-fight feelings to an unstoppable, positive state.

Overcoming pre-fight anxiety, worries, and pressures means the difference between losing and winning.

Even the best fighters have pre-fight anxiety. They learn how to channel these feelings in a way that boosts their performance.

Turn your anxiety into a fuel that drives you to victory.

Time is only perception. My baseball players use this fact all the time by training themselves to imagine the pitch flying at them at a much slower speed than it actually is moving. This program will do the same thing for you... you will learn how to perceive your opponent moving slower than he actually is. This allows you more time to react and move in for the victory.

2) Renegade Rapid Recovery

Attitude and mental expectation play a huge role in how well and fast you recover.

Encourage Rapid and Full Recover

Research shows that hypnosis helps boost the immune response, and this is the key to recovering rapidly.

Being calm and optimistic and devoting time to visualize yourself recovering is what this program helps you do.

3) Renegade Fighter and The Mind's Eye

The best fighters train themselves to enter “The Zone” on command. This is the focus of this program.

Many fighters lack the concentration and frame of mind that is required to make each move completely efficient.

You will build your power with this program by finding your center and your balance.

Learn to drain your opponents’ energy as you build up yours.

2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP: Brother, don’t sniff your nose at this. NLP is the real deal and I guarantee that the top guys are masters of using it to dominate the bitches that roll into the ring against them. NLP literally hacks your brain to squeeze out mind-bending performance.

3. Energy Mechanics: As you read this, enough energy to light 2 light bulbs is coursing through your body. This bio-mechanical energy is the secret to the supernatural power exhibited by lifetime students of the martial arts. It’s chi. I’ll show you how to tap into this energy and use it to recover from injury, sap your opponents fighting will, and enhance your power, focus, and stamina.

Each of these alone would put more matches in the win column for you.


Renegade Mindset For Fighters

Elite fighters know that there is an inner and an outer game to MMA. Your day-to-day training and conditioning prepares your outer game. Strength, endurance, stamina, and techniques are directly impacted by your dedication to the art of MMA.

Unfortunately, most fighters spend 90% of their time on the outer game (the easy part) and only 10% of their time on the inner game.

Your Inner Game happens in your skull. It’s the mental side of the equation that controls your intensity, endurance, and tenacity.

It’s the ingredients that dictate IF you will give up.

Without a doubt, the fighter that can marshal both the physical and emotional wins every match. They have a metal-cutting intensity that cripples their opponent before the first strike is thrown. Their presence dominates the ring.

I trust that you have a handle on the outer game. I want to talk to you about the war you’ve gotta win in your own head.

We’ve Spent 37 Years INSIDE the heads of Combat Sports Ring Generals – And This is How We’ll Turn YOU into a Jedi Master

My name is Stephen Ladd and I’ve partnered with Bill Gladwell to take your mental training to the next level. Between the two of us, we have over 37 years helping average athletes transform into samurai masters.

We’ve taken our years of intense study, trial and error, and in-the-ring research to boil down the most lethal techniques into a step-by-step system – that flat out works,

Our system combines three state-of-the art technologies that have been picked because they deliver results:

1. Renegade Hypnosis: Dude, I’m not talking about swinging a watch in front of your face or you making an ass out of yourself clucking like a chicken. I AM talking about training your subconscious to create a lethal fighting machine from the INSIDE OUT. You get three individual fighter hypnosis sessions via MP3 Audio Downloads -

1) Renegade Killer Confidence and Speed Demon

Change the habitual response of negative pre-fight feelings to an unstoppable, positive state.

Overcoming pre-fight anxiety, worries, and pressures means the difference between losing and winning.

Even the best fighters have pre-fight anxiety. They learn how to channel these feelings in a way that boosts their performance.

Turn your anxiety into a fuel that drives you to victory.

Time is only perception. My baseball players use this fact all the time by training themselves to imagine the pitch flying at them at a much slower speed than it actually is moving. This program will do the same thing for you... you will learn how to perceive your opponent moving slower than he actually is. This allows you more time to react and move in for the victory.

2) Renegade Rapid Recovery

Attitude and mental expectation play a huge role in how well and fast you recover.

Encourage Rapid and Full Recover

Research shows that hypnosis helps boost the immune response, and this is the key to recovering rapidly.

Being calm and optimistic and devoting time to visualize yourself recovering is what this program helps you do.

3) Renegade Fighter and The Mind's Eye

The best fighters train themselves to enter “The Zone” on command. This is the focus of this program.

Many fighters lack the concentration and frame of mind that is required to make each move completely efficient.

You will build your power with this program by finding your center and your balance.

Learn to drain your opponents’ energy as you build up yours.

2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP: Brother, don’t sniff your nose at this. NLP is the real deal and I guarantee that the top guys are masters of using it to dominate the bitches that roll into the ring against them. NLP literally hacks your brain to squeeze out mind-bending performance.

3. Energy Mechanics: As you read this, enough energy to light 2 light bulbs is coursing through your body. This bio-mechanical energy is the secret to the supernatural power exhibited by lifetime students of the martial arts. It’s chi. I’ll show you how to tap into this energy and use it to recover from injury, sap your opponents fighting will, and enhance your power, focus, and stamina.

Each of these alone would put more matches in the win column for you.


Ultimate Hockey Development Coaching Program

Hockey development isn’t just about off-ice training; it’s not just about skill development. A comprehensive hockey development program addresses how to:

Prepare mentally and improve your mental toughness
Improve your skating and puckhandling skills
Improve your strength, speed, and conditioning through hockey-specific training
Avoid career-threatening injuries
Approach scouts and coaches at the next level

My name is Kevin Neeld, and for the last 11 years I’ve been passionately pursuing and developing the best on- and off-ice hockey development strategies to help players realize and fulfill their potential. Over the last 3 months I’ve interrogated 14 of the world’s top professionals in hockey development and athletic performance. The result is over 11 hours of Coaching Calls, JAMMED with incredible hockey development information that will help propel your game to the next level!

I’ve always had an unwavering passionate interest in helping hockey players develop, and in helping them EXCEED their highest expectations. This 12-week Coaching Program was designed to help you do exactly that. After you register, you’ll be emailed a download link every Monday for 12 weeks to a Coaching Call with myself and one of our experts (If you’re impatient, like me, and want access to all the calls immediately, I have a special offer for you. Keep reading!).


Ultimate Hockey Development Coaching Program

Hockey development isn’t just about off-ice training; it’s not just about skill development. A comprehensive hockey development program addresses how to:

Prepare mentally and improve your mental toughness
Improve your skating and puckhandling skills
Improve your strength, speed, and conditioning through hockey-specific training
Avoid career-threatening injuries
Approach scouts and coaches at the next level

My name is Kevin Neeld, and for the last 11 years I’ve been passionately pursuing and developing the best on- and off-ice hockey development strategies to help players realize and fulfill their potential. Over the last 3 months I’ve interrogated 14 of the world’s top professionals in hockey development and athletic performance. The result is over 11 hours of Coaching Calls, JAMMED with incredible hockey development information that will help propel your game to the next level!

I’ve always had an unwavering passionate interest in helping hockey players develop, and in helping them EXCEED their highest expectations. This 12-week Coaching Program was designed to help you do exactly that. After you register, you’ll be emailed a download link every Monday for 12 weeks to a Coaching Call with myself and one of our experts (If you’re impatient, like me, and want access to all the calls immediately, I have a special offer for you. Keep reading!).


Skier Fitness Training

Your New Rock Hard Legs & Solid Core Will Have You:

    * Eating up the Moguls with more power, speed, and agility than you've ever experienced

    * Tearing through the glades with ease and confidence

    * Carving down the mountain all day without the fatigue or deep leg burn that slows you down

    * Thrashing through the powder without a hint of leg weakness or stumble

    * Showing off a leaner, harder body that looks better getting into the hot tub at the end of a hard day of skiing!

Dear Fellow Avid Skier,

Several years ago, on yet another skiing excursion with some friends, we woke up to one of those days we all dream about as skiers... a 2-foot dumping of fresh powder overnight had created one of those epic skiing days that you'll never forget for the rest of your life!

fresh powder skiingAs we made our first run down through the freshies, marking up the mountain with first tracks, the exhilaration of thrashing through the powder was an extreme adrenaline rush!

The fresh, crisp mountain air filled our lungs as we huffed and puffed through the trees, with every shoulder brush of the pine branches, knocking off more fresh powder.

Ahh, this is the kind of day us skiers and boarders dream about!  The kind of day where you can't even wipe the smile off your face you're on such a high from floating through the pow.

As we got about 2-3 hours into this amazing day of powder skiing, a common problem started to occur in most of the skiers in our group...

Most of us started to get such deep leg burning and fatigue, that it was starting to severely slow us down, and make us start to stumble here and there... you know, those little mess ups that really annoy you, because you know you're a better skier than that!

We all were getting the symptoms commonly known as "jello legs", and it was ruining our day of epic powder skiing. The snow was so incredible that we wanted to ski straight through the whole day without breaks until close, but our legs were just not having it.

I didn't want to admit it to my buddies, but my legs were simply shot, and I had to call it quits early that day.


Skier Fitness Training

Your New Rock Hard Legs & Solid Core Will Have You:

    * Eating up the Moguls with more power, speed, and agility than you've ever experienced

    * Tearing through the glades with ease and confidence

    * Carving down the mountain all day without the fatigue or deep leg burn that slows you down

    * Thrashing through the powder without a hint of leg weakness or stumble

    * Showing off a leaner, harder body that looks better getting into the hot tub at the end of a hard day of skiing!

Dear Fellow Avid Skier,

Several years ago, on yet another skiing excursion with some friends, we woke up to one of those days we all dream about as skiers... a 2-foot dumping of fresh powder overnight had created one of those epic skiing days that you'll never forget for the rest of your life!

fresh powder skiingAs we made our first run down through the freshies, marking up the mountain with first tracks, the exhilaration of thrashing through the powder was an extreme adrenaline rush!

The fresh, crisp mountain air filled our lungs as we huffed and puffed through the trees, with every shoulder brush of the pine branches, knocking off more fresh powder.

Ahh, this is the kind of day us skiers and boarders dream about!  The kind of day where you can't even wipe the smile off your face you're on such a high from floating through the pow.

As we got about 2-3 hours into this amazing day of powder skiing, a common problem started to occur in most of the skiers in our group...

Most of us started to get such deep leg burning and fatigue, that it was starting to severely slow us down, and make us start to stumble here and there... you know, those little mess ups that really annoy you, because you know you're a better skier than that!

We all were getting the symptoms commonly known as "jello legs", and it was ruining our day of epic powder skiing. The snow was so incredible that we wanted to ski straight through the whole day without breaks until close, but our legs were just not having it.

I didn't want to admit it to my buddies, but my legs were simply shot, and I had to call it quits early that day.


Explosive Football Training Manual

Renegade Football Player and Strength & Conditioning Coach Reveals His Football Weight Training Workout and Conditioning Program for High School and College Football Players to Get Immensely Faster & Stronger on the Field, Guaranteed!
They Laughed When I Said I’d Become a Starter…Until I Became a Football All-Star

      Want to Gain 100lbs on Your Bench, Squat, Deadlift

      and Powerclean? (Our Football Workout Secrets will Show You the Way)

      Need to Hack .54 – .65 from Your 40 & Increase Your Football Speed?

      Want to Gain 23+lbs of Muscle to Dominate on the Football Field
      Learn How to Get So Much Faster for Football, People will Accuse You of Cheating!
red arrow football workoutsA Complete, Done-for-You Football Workout, Football Conditioning and Football Strength Training Program, with Over a Year’s Worth of Football Strength and Conditioning workouts
Get the Complete Blueprint to Become a Football All-Star, Guaranteed!

Stop Following Football Training Workouts that leave you injured, on the bench and weak as a malnourished Kitten!
Finally, there is a proven system, DOUBLE GUARANTEED to work to Increase Your Speed, Strength and Explosiveness for Football!

And, best of all, it cuts through the B.S. & Delivers over 90-pages of Speed-Building, Power-Producing Football Strength and Speed Workouts for High School and College Players that take you from the bench to the All-Star Team!

Attention: As a special gift to you guys, the entire football workout program and all the bonuses are on sale…instead of paying the regular price 49.99, if you take action before Saturday, you get the entire program for only 39.99, ….29.99! (that’s $10 off plus FREE Bonuses!)

Introducing the the Premiere Explosive Football Training Workouts Program, complete with Workouts for Speed, Strength and Conditioning for Players and Coaches at the High School and College Level. A complete, Done-for-You, Plug-and-Play Workout Program – No more guesswork, no more wasting valuable time on bogus football workout plans. A Failure-Proof way to DRASTICALLY Increase Your Football Speed and Strength and Get Faster where it counts…on the Football Field! steve morris football strength & speed coach


Dear Fellow Football Players and Coaches,

My name is Steve Morris and it’s my goal in life to make you and your football team the biggest, strongest, fastest, most explosive and meanest football players around. I was very lucky to have had an excellent strength coach who helped me understand what it took to build a football training workout program that would increase football speed, strength and explosiveness; one that took skinny, weak, freshman and turned them into big, fast hitting machines.

He started me on the path & through hundreds of hours of study and thousands in the weightroom, I developed a Can’t-Fail Football Workout Program

Do you know that you are basically being lied to every single day on the internet and in “muscle magazines?”

Have you realized that 9 out of every 10 “football training experts” have never even played football before? (and by the looks of them, some don’t look like they even lift weights!)

If you’re SICK of wasting countless hours doing no-results workouts in the weightroom and running through cone drills that do nothing but make you look silly…

and you’re sick to your stomach at the thought of having another football season pass by with you not being the All-Star caliber player that you deserve to be…

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of the thousands of my readers and trainees were once in your spot…tired of not playing to your potential…tired of working your tail off in the weightroom without an ounce of muscle or a speck of speed to show for it…tired and disguested with the thought of “ok, I’ll get ‘em next game, that’s gonna’ be MY game.”

But, that big game never comes…it’s always next play, next game, next year… Well, we don’t play forever. And, your season and career can come to an end in a nano-second! You need to make sure that every single thing you do:

Every Football Training Workout
Every Drill
Every Sprint
Everthing You Eat
Every Speed Training Session

…They all must lead you one step closer to becoming a dominant football player; an All-Star. See, the story at the top of this site is true. I started off my football career in High School as a 12-year old (yes, 12!) chubby kid who had NEVER played football before. Because of my size, I was thrown in with the varsity team.

Needless to say, I was having a rough time competing with 17 and 18 year old players who had a DECADE of experience.

There were a few coaches who didn’t think much of me then. And, once when I walked into the office, they asked me if I though I would ever start, and I said yes.


Explosive Football Training Manual

Renegade Football Player and Strength & Conditioning Coach Reveals His Football Weight Training Workout and Conditioning Program for High School and College Football Players to Get Immensely Faster & Stronger on the Field, Guaranteed!
They Laughed When I Said I’d Become a Starter…Until I Became a Football All-Star

      Want to Gain 100lbs on Your Bench, Squat, Deadlift

      and Powerclean? (Our Football Workout Secrets will Show You the Way)

      Need to Hack .54 – .65 from Your 40 & Increase Your Football Speed?

      Want to Gain 23+lbs of Muscle to Dominate on the Football Field
      Learn How to Get So Much Faster for Football, People will Accuse You of Cheating!
red arrow football workoutsA Complete, Done-for-You Football Workout, Football Conditioning and Football Strength Training Program, with Over a Year’s Worth of Football Strength and Conditioning workouts
Get the Complete Blueprint to Become a Football All-Star, Guaranteed!

Stop Following Football Training Workouts that leave you injured, on the bench and weak as a malnourished Kitten!
Finally, there is a proven system, DOUBLE GUARANTEED to work to Increase Your Speed, Strength and Explosiveness for Football!

And, best of all, it cuts through the B.S. & Delivers over 90-pages of Speed-Building, Power-Producing Football Strength and Speed Workouts for High School and College Players that take you from the bench to the All-Star Team!

Attention: As a special gift to you guys, the entire football workout program and all the bonuses are on sale…instead of paying the regular price 49.99, if you take action before Saturday, you get the entire program for only 39.99, ….29.99! (that’s $10 off plus FREE Bonuses!)

Introducing the the Premiere Explosive Football Training Workouts Program, complete with Workouts for Speed, Strength and Conditioning for Players and Coaches at the High School and College Level. A complete, Done-for-You, Plug-and-Play Workout Program – No more guesswork, no more wasting valuable time on bogus football workout plans. A Failure-Proof way to DRASTICALLY Increase Your Football Speed and Strength and Get Faster where it counts…on the Football Field! steve morris football strength & speed coach


Dear Fellow Football Players and Coaches,

My name is Steve Morris and it’s my goal in life to make you and your football team the biggest, strongest, fastest, most explosive and meanest football players around. I was very lucky to have had an excellent strength coach who helped me understand what it took to build a football training workout program that would increase football speed, strength and explosiveness; one that took skinny, weak, freshman and turned them into big, fast hitting machines.

He started me on the path & through hundreds of hours of study and thousands in the weightroom, I developed a Can’t-Fail Football Workout Program

Do you know that you are basically being lied to every single day on the internet and in “muscle magazines?”

Have you realized that 9 out of every 10 “football training experts” have never even played football before? (and by the looks of them, some don’t look like they even lift weights!)

If you’re SICK of wasting countless hours doing no-results workouts in the weightroom and running through cone drills that do nothing but make you look silly…

and you’re sick to your stomach at the thought of having another football season pass by with you not being the All-Star caliber player that you deserve to be…

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of the thousands of my readers and trainees were once in your spot…tired of not playing to your potential…tired of working your tail off in the weightroom without an ounce of muscle or a speck of speed to show for it…tired and disguested with the thought of “ok, I’ll get ‘em next game, that’s gonna’ be MY game.”

But, that big game never comes…it’s always next play, next game, next year… Well, we don’t play forever. And, your season and career can come to an end in a nano-second! You need to make sure that every single thing you do:

Every Football Training Workout
Every Drill
Every Sprint
Everthing You Eat
Every Speed Training Session

…They all must lead you one step closer to becoming a dominant football player; an All-Star. See, the story at the top of this site is true. I started off my football career in High School as a 12-year old (yes, 12!) chubby kid who had NEVER played football before. Because of my size, I was thrown in with the varsity team.

Needless to say, I was having a rough time competing with 17 and 18 year old players who had a DECADE of experience.

There were a few coaches who didn’t think much of me then. And, once when I walked into the office, they asked me if I though I would ever start, and I said yes.


Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing

If you are anything like me, the thought of going fishing and seeing a glimmering tuna bust the surface of the ocean as it fights on the end of your line is enough to make you smile! My face literally lights up when I think about fishing for tuna on my boat "the bluefin" and I get excited to the point where I can hardly sleep the night before a trip.

Since the first time I caught a yellowfin tuna as a young boy alongside my brother, I knew that tuna fishing would be something I'd be hooked on for the rest of my life! Not every 11 year old kid gets to see a 250kg yellowfin up close and personal, so you can imagine why it stuck in my head and made such a big impression.

It's amazing how one event in my childhood could affect my entire destiny. Now I teach people all around the world how to find and catch more tuna... everyone from amateur anglers, to professional boat skippers, game fishing professionals and several world record holders in multiple countries (young and old).
There is no denying the facts: when you buy my book of tuna fishing secrets you will greatly increase your chances of finding & catching tuna.

With the odds stacked against fisherman so heavily these days, with overfishing and the huge amount of anglers competing with each other, it's no worder that people are looking for better methods and tips to use. Mind you, it's only the smart ones like yourself that are willing to learn a better way of tuna fishing... the rest are just repeating old habits that simply don't work!

So in basic terms, if you are already a keen fan of tuna sport fishing or you wish to begin catching tuna in your recreational boat then you have one simple option:
If you wish to be part of the smart percentage of fisherman that realizes the advantages of having inside knowledge in order to increase their success with tuna fishing I'd like to recommend to you my book "The Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing".

But before I go any further, I want to confess something to you and be completely honest... I haven't always been a maverick at tuna fishing. I can remember the times when I would go out in my boat and catch very few tuna, and sometimes none at all. If you've ever had a fishing trip like that, you'll know how it feels to be on your way home and just wishing you could have caught at least one big whopper.

But I never gave up trying! I never gave up learning! The one day after speaking to a guy that had caught more than 2 dozen tuna on a day that I caught none, it dawned on me that my knowledge and catch rate improves each time I ask questions. It sounds simple, but really how many times do you go out of your way to speak with other anglers and share tips with them?

Since a young boy I've been in the habit of walking up to strangers at the boat ramp or down at the fishing wharf and chatting to them about techniques, recent catches, the best local areas, etc. So I put two and two together then made the plan to go out of my way to find and speak to as many tuna fisherman as I can.

Since then I've travelled to more than 27 countries and spoken to literally hundreds of recreational and professional fisherman to find out exactly what works for them.


Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing

If you are anything like me, the thought of going fishing and seeing a glimmering tuna bust the surface of the ocean as it fights on the end of your line is enough to make you smile! My face literally lights up when I think about fishing for tuna on my boat "the bluefin" and I get excited to the point where I can hardly sleep the night before a trip.

Since the first time I caught a yellowfin tuna as a young boy alongside my brother, I knew that tuna fishing would be something I'd be hooked on for the rest of my life! Not every 11 year old kid gets to see a 250kg yellowfin up close and personal, so you can imagine why it stuck in my head and made such a big impression.

It's amazing how one event in my childhood could affect my entire destiny. Now I teach people all around the world how to find and catch more tuna... everyone from amateur anglers, to professional boat skippers, game fishing professionals and several world record holders in multiple countries (young and old).
There is no denying the facts: when you buy my book of tuna fishing secrets you will greatly increase your chances of finding & catching tuna.

With the odds stacked against fisherman so heavily these days, with overfishing and the huge amount of anglers competing with each other, it's no worder that people are looking for better methods and tips to use. Mind you, it's only the smart ones like yourself that are willing to learn a better way of tuna fishing... the rest are just repeating old habits that simply don't work!

So in basic terms, if you are already a keen fan of tuna sport fishing or you wish to begin catching tuna in your recreational boat then you have one simple option:
If you wish to be part of the smart percentage of fisherman that realizes the advantages of having inside knowledge in order to increase their success with tuna fishing I'd like to recommend to you my book "The Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing".

But before I go any further, I want to confess something to you and be completely honest... I haven't always been a maverick at tuna fishing. I can remember the times when I would go out in my boat and catch very few tuna, and sometimes none at all. If you've ever had a fishing trip like that, you'll know how it feels to be on your way home and just wishing you could have caught at least one big whopper.

But I never gave up trying! I never gave up learning! The one day after speaking to a guy that had caught more than 2 dozen tuna on a day that I caught none, it dawned on me that my knowledge and catch rate improves each time I ask questions. It sounds simple, but really how many times do you go out of your way to speak with other anglers and share tips with them?

Since a young boy I've been in the habit of walking up to strangers at the boat ramp or down at the fishing wharf and chatting to them about techniques, recent catches, the best local areas, etc. So I put two and two together then made the plan to go out of my way to find and speak to as many tuna fisherman as I can.

Since then I've travelled to more than 27 countries and spoken to literally hundreds of recreational and professional fisherman to find out exactly what works for them.


How to Easily Double or Even Triple Your Income

You see, I'm a fitness trainer. And I know a lot of other trainers. And if you're like most of the trainers I meet, you secretly wished you had more "high testosterone" clients.

You know the type -- the kind of guy who loves it when you push him to his limits. These are military guys (and gals)… cops… athletes. They show up ready to give 110% every time. These are your "no pain, no gain" clients.

You gotta love 'em. Every single one. Because these people are the reason you became a personal trainer!

But look at your current business. How many of these "go getters" do you actually train in any given month? A handful, if you're lucky.

And look at your current clientele. Do you ever get the sneaking feeling that these women woof down a Hershey's bar or a bag of chips just as soon as your session is over? And I bet you know these clients are going to return to all their bad habits the day after their last session. You're just giving them a quick-fix "Band Aid" in time for a reunion or a day at the beach.

Point is, wouldn't it be great to have more serious clients? And wouldn't it be great to…

Get Paid MORE Money to Train Your Favorite Clients?


Now you can! And all you have to do is run an athletic boot camp!

Hear me out on this...

Here's Why Running an Athletic Boot Camp is the Best Business Ever:

You get paid more while working less! Instead of training one client at a time, you can train 10, 15…or more. That means you get paid more for every hour of your time. It's an easy way for you to double or triple your current income… while working fewer hours!

You never have to worry about "no show" clients! All your clients pay up front, so a no-show doesn't hit your pocketbook. And since you're running a class, the no-shows don't waste your time because you still have a dozen other eager campers to train!

Getting clients is easy! The economy is tough right now, so your clients are tightening their belts. They're looking for fitness solutions that give them the most bang for their buck. A fitness boot camp is the perfect solution for them, since it costs less than a personal session… but they'll still enjoy great results! That means it's easy for you to fill all your classes with eager trainees!

Let others bring clients to you! The coaches in your area desperately need someone to train their athletes for speed, agility and conditioning. They'll happily refer their entire team to your boot camps!

You get to train your FAVORITE kind of clients! Forget about running a "bride boot camp" or working with people who want to get "magic bullet" results while doing as little as possible. Now you get to spend every day working with real athletes who aren't afraid to sweat!

And you get to REALLY train them! You get to build real, lasting results and train them like they need (and want) to be trained! No more "Band Aid" or "quick fix" training!

You can custom-tailor your camps for maximum profits! You can design your camps to follow the sports seasons. This is an attractive marketing point that makes it easy to fill your boot camps with eager campers!

It's an untapped market! Everyone runs specialized boot camps like boot camps for women. But look around your hometown - I bet no one is running a boot camp for athletes. And that's why you can cash in and dominate this market… while enjoying every minute of it!

Listen, if you're not convinced by now that running an athletic boot camp is the sure path to putting more money in your pocket while making you happier, then maybe you're not cut out to run an athletic boot camp. Maybe you prefer to help soccer moms melt fat.

If that's what floats your boat, go for it. But hit the back button if that's you, because…


How to Easily Double or Even Triple Your Income

You see, I'm a fitness trainer. And I know a lot of other trainers. And if you're like most of the trainers I meet, you secretly wished you had more "high testosterone" clients.

You know the type -- the kind of guy who loves it when you push him to his limits. These are military guys (and gals)… cops… athletes. They show up ready to give 110% every time. These are your "no pain, no gain" clients.

You gotta love 'em. Every single one. Because these people are the reason you became a personal trainer!

But look at your current business. How many of these "go getters" do you actually train in any given month? A handful, if you're lucky.

And look at your current clientele. Do you ever get the sneaking feeling that these women woof down a Hershey's bar or a bag of chips just as soon as your session is over? And I bet you know these clients are going to return to all their bad habits the day after their last session. You're just giving them a quick-fix "Band Aid" in time for a reunion or a day at the beach.

Point is, wouldn't it be great to have more serious clients? And wouldn't it be great to…

Get Paid MORE Money to Train Your Favorite Clients?


Now you can! And all you have to do is run an athletic boot camp!

Hear me out on this...

Here's Why Running an Athletic Boot Camp is the Best Business Ever:

You get paid more while working less! Instead of training one client at a time, you can train 10, 15…or more. That means you get paid more for every hour of your time. It's an easy way for you to double or triple your current income… while working fewer hours!

You never have to worry about "no show" clients! All your clients pay up front, so a no-show doesn't hit your pocketbook. And since you're running a class, the no-shows don't waste your time because you still have a dozen other eager campers to train!

Getting clients is easy! The economy is tough right now, so your clients are tightening their belts. They're looking for fitness solutions that give them the most bang for their buck. A fitness boot camp is the perfect solution for them, since it costs less than a personal session… but they'll still enjoy great results! That means it's easy for you to fill all your classes with eager trainees!

Let others bring clients to you! The coaches in your area desperately need someone to train their athletes for speed, agility and conditioning. They'll happily refer their entire team to your boot camps!

You get to train your FAVORITE kind of clients! Forget about running a "bride boot camp" or working with people who want to get "magic bullet" results while doing as little as possible. Now you get to spend every day working with real athletes who aren't afraid to sweat!

And you get to REALLY train them! You get to build real, lasting results and train them like they need (and want) to be trained! No more "Band Aid" or "quick fix" training!

You can custom-tailor your camps for maximum profits! You can design your camps to follow the sports seasons. This is an attractive marketing point that makes it easy to fill your boot camps with eager campers!

It's an untapped market! Everyone runs specialized boot camps like boot camps for women. But look around your hometown - I bet no one is running a boot camp for athletes. And that's why you can cash in and dominate this market… while enjoying every minute of it!

Listen, if you're not convinced by now that running an athletic boot camp is the sure path to putting more money in your pocket while making you happier, then maybe you're not cut out to run an athletic boot camp. Maybe you prefer to help soccer moms melt fat.

If that's what floats your boat, go for it. But hit the back button if that's you, because…


secret to becoming a fast, strong, dominant ice hockey player

As a hockey coach, there's nothing more valuable than time. Between work, family and juggling practice - there's no wonder we have little time to properly plan hockey practice.

Hey, having run off-ice training programs for teams at all levels and having coached at the collegiate level, I can relate!

So I went on a mission (a selfish one at first) to create a template that would help me organize all my future off-ice practices. There were 2 goals for doing this...

   1. Make it brain-dead simple to run training programs for this season (and future seasons)

   2. If I couldn't make practice, I could hand my "templates" over to an assistant for them to run it without missing a beat

   3. Save time! By not having to re-create the wheel each day, it saves me at least 2-3 hours per week.

About 6 months ago, I let Mark, a friend of mine who is also a hockey coach, "borrow" my system. And the results were astonishing..

He said I'd be crazy not to offer this to other coaches. In fact, he said I should charge at least $500 for this program (since that is what other "gurus" charge for similar programs - and they are not nearly as complete as mine).

So, after some thought, I decided to take a leap and humbly offer my system for sale to you, my fellow coach.  I took some time to add in the most up-to-date information and make it a complete “how-to” guide.

Rather than going on and on about how great my system is (and how much your athletes will benefit), here's a simple breakdown and summary of each "blueprint".


secret to becoming a fast, strong, dominant ice hockey player

As a hockey coach, there's nothing more valuable than time. Between work, family and juggling practice - there's no wonder we have little time to properly plan hockey practice.

Hey, having run off-ice training programs for teams at all levels and having coached at the collegiate level, I can relate!

So I went on a mission (a selfish one at first) to create a template that would help me organize all my future off-ice practices. There were 2 goals for doing this...

   1. Make it brain-dead simple to run training programs for this season (and future seasons)

   2. If I couldn't make practice, I could hand my "templates" over to an assistant for them to run it without missing a beat

   3. Save time! By not having to re-create the wheel each day, it saves me at least 2-3 hours per week.

About 6 months ago, I let Mark, a friend of mine who is also a hockey coach, "borrow" my system. And the results were astonishing..

He said I'd be crazy not to offer this to other coaches. In fact, he said I should charge at least $500 for this program (since that is what other "gurus" charge for similar programs - and they are not nearly as complete as mine).

So, after some thought, I decided to take a leap and humbly offer my system for sale to you, my fellow coach.  I took some time to add in the most up-to-date information and make it a complete “how-to” guide.

Rather than going on and on about how great my system is (and how much your athletes will benefit), here's a simple breakdown and summary of each "blueprint".