Raise Capital from Angel investors and Venture Capital Firms Fast! Locate 5100+ Venture Capital Firms, Angel investors & Private Equity investors Today!
Use The VentureCapitalReporter complete Investors database and take advantage of incredible benefits and tools:
Instant access to more than 5,100 Investors like Venture capital Firms, Private equity firms, Angel Investors, Private investors and any other types of investors you can think of.
Unlimited number of custom searches of Investors using criteria as: industry, geographic location, business stage preference, investor type or the funding amount needed.
Detailed information of the funding source and the fund size
Find any kind of Investors that your competition does not know about and cannot be found on the internet.
Call or email directly from the system more than 15500 investors, venture capitalists, management team members, partners, key executives or directors using the contact details included in the database
Use the database`s interface to send a direct email to a partner at the venture capital firm or to a number of investors simultaneously using the embedded one-click email sending engine.
Instant and direct access to more than $3 TRILLION of active funds, thousands of venture capital funds and angel investors.
Updated contact details of every type of investors. That includes name, e-mail address, business address, phone number, fax number or web address.
Find and contact a specific type of investor easily by searching for a certain keyword.
Create and save unlimited custom lists of investors interested in your type of venture.
Save and export the lists you created into Excel format or into any other file format with just a few clicks.
You can access it from any corner of the world and anytime you want even if you don't have Internet access.
You will receive free updates of the database for a period of one year.
Unlimited number of custom searches of Investors using criteria as: industry, geographic location, business stage preference, investor type or the funding amount needed.
Detailed information of the funding source and the fund size
Find any kind of Investors that your competition does not know about and cannot be found on the internet.
Call or email directly from the system more than 15500 investors, venture capitalists, management team members, partners, key executives or directors using the contact details included in the database
Use the database`s interface to send a direct email to a partner at the venture capital firm or to a number of investors simultaneously using the embedded one-click email sending engine.
Instant and direct access to more than $3 TRILLION of active funds, thousands of venture capital funds and angel investors.
Updated contact details of every type of investors. That includes name, e-mail address, business address, phone number, fax number or web address.
Find and contact a specific type of investor easily by searching for a certain keyword.
Create and save unlimited custom lists of investors interested in your type of venture.
Save and export the lists you created into Excel format or into any other file format with just a few clicks.
You can access it from any corner of the world and anytime you want even if you don't have Internet access.
You will receive free updates of the database for a period of one year.
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