السبت، 11 يونيو 2011

breakthrough system based on the latest cutting-edge brain

Have you ever wondered why most of the self improvement programs or books on the market and maybe some on your bookshelf never work? ... There are even some that work for a few *special ones*, but never work for you?

Have you ever wondered why you have worked so hard to make your life work, and strived so hard to make more money to pay your bills, to make your relationship more harmonious, and to gain better health, ­but your just couldn't make that breakthrough? Is there seemingly always something that eludes you.

You wonder why, but never find the answer! 

Let me make something crystal clear for you right now:

It's NOT your fault!

Here is why… 

99.9% of the popular books or programs on self improvement are only dealing with the symptoms of your life problems or frustrations, NOT the true causes.

For example, if you have financial problems, you will be advised to take the expensive wealth building seminars that teach you a bunch of money making strategies. BUT, the fact of  the matter is that your financial problems are not caused by your lack of money-making ideas, but by something deeper and more fundamental. 

If you have relationship problems, people will advise you to go to relationship experts who can give you tons of tips and strategies to improve your relationship. BUT you will find that the fulfilling loving relationship that you have dreamed of is still out of your reach. That's because your relationship problems are only symptoms, not the fundamental causes.

If you want to FINALLY solve all your money, health, relationship problems and so on, you must…

Remove the ROOT CAUSE of all your life's problems and frustrations!


When that happens, EVERYTHING CHANGES!

Your financial situations start to change, you start attracting money and abundance into your life.

Things that you've always wanted started to show up in your life effortlessly.

You start to feel TRUE joy from your work and love doing what you do.

You start to attract the right supportive relationships.

Perfect health, financial wealth, love and happiness will be yours

You feel peace with yourself and others.

You feel good about yourself in every respect.

You find yourself more energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic.

Then, you're asking…­

What is the root cause of all your life problems and frustrations?

You will see it clearly in just a second. 

Let me show you some of the common frustrations that people have in their life. Just take a few minutes to consider the following statements, see if they sound familiar to you…­

    “My biggest frustration in life is not having enough money to pay all my bills and have some leftover for fun, savings, investing and living the life of my dreams.”

    “I still haven't been able to attract economic abundance in my life, I'm still struggling.”

    “I have all of these good ideas that I could make money with, but when it comes time to do something with them, I freeze. I have no idea why. It is driving me crazy.”

    “I work far too many hours and am not able to enjoy life.”

    “I lost my job, unable to pay my bills, etc.”

    “Apparently I'm stuck in a job that I abhor.”

    “Even though I tried very hard to lose fat around my waistline, the results are not according to my expectations.”

    “I will lose weight but always gain it again.”

    “I would like to be in a wonderful, very happy romantic relationship but can't seem to find that.”

    “That I can't seem to attract the type of person I desire...young, sexy and totally into me.”

    “I'm so scattered and can not focus. I have too many details to attend to and not enough time. I have difficulty with following through projects that are important to me.”

    “I am overwhelmed with all the new, interesting information, practices and ideas.”

    “My aspirations for accomplishments in life were too big and somehow my lack of confidence in myself got in my way.”

    “I tried all I know to make my life better, but it does not seem to be working.”

If any of the above statements sounds like you, don't worry, you are not alone. 

These are what most people have been struggling with. But I can tell you that these are all just illusions that keep you unaware of your fundamental ROOT CAUSE. 

But most people don't realize that, so they spend all their time and effort trying to eliminate these symptoms, and they find in the end that more frustrating symptoms come up one after another. 

If you've got a headache that is caused by an old disease, you go to the doctor, and he/she gives you some drugs to cure the headache. Do you think the same headache will come up again? 

Definitely, because the fundamental cause of the headache remains unchanged...­

The same symptoms will come up again and again

The same principle applies to all the above frustrations you just read. But people are making the same mistake again and again by going to a doctor for the headache instead of the root cause of their headache. ­They have been treating “symptoms” rather then the “causes


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