الاثنين، 23 مايو 2011

Web Traffic & RSS Backlink Software

That if something can automatically increase targeted web visitors every day to your blogs and websites, it will also quickly and dramatically increase your online profit and success right?

Better still...

If that 'something' that can rapidly build targeted web traffic is something that very few of your competitors are using (or even know much about), you suddenly have built a powerful advantage over those competitors right?

Introducing the Web Traffic Genius RSS Software (earlier versions were called the RSS Power Plus Pro Software)


Very few online marketers use RSS as well as they could. If they do use RSS, it's not to dominate the search engines and to generate rapid targeted web traffic. They use it only to monitor news and events and some use it to provide some content on their websites.

Nothing wrong with doing that (we do that as well), but they are missing the most powerful advantage of RSS.

They are completely missing out on the fact that RSS can be used to help dominate the search engines by rapidly building quality backlinks, rapidly building page rank and quickly start driving massive targeted web traffic to your web pages. The increase in targeted web traffic means your online profits should increase.

RSS, stands for really simple syndication and is an extremely powerful tool that you can use for your online business to quickly and easily get the "edge" over most of your web competitors.

We all want the edge over our competitors right?

You'll find that 99.99% of your competitors don't use RSS in the smartest way, like the "Web Traffic Genius RSS software" does, to gain the massive web traffic leverage that it offers.

Don't be fooled by most of the other RSS software programs out there though.

They do not use the same clever technology we have built into this software that ensures it rapidly brings targeted web traffic. Clever technology that we have designed, tested in hundreds of niches and refined for over 15 months.


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