الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2011

Twitter Salvation System

Twitter is now the most popular social media platform for business owners and SME's.

Unfortunately, a recent study has shown only a dismal 1/3 of them are happy with their results when using Twitter for business.

You may be one of them. Drawn in with all the media buzz and Twitter's constant presence in the news.

However, the million dollar question you're probably asking now could be...
Can I REALLY make money through Twitter?

Unfortunately, there's a lot of misinformation and junk out there. You may have gotten DM's like this in your inbox...

Here's how I got 16k followers in a month... Blah blah blah.

I know... It's really frustrating. All you need is something effective. Something stripped of hyperbole and promote measurable results. Something that can genuinely impact your business and take it to the next level.

Good News... Using Twitter for business can be an awesome marketing tool. In fact, it can be the most powerful weapon in your entire money-making arsenal--if you know how to wield it.

In fact, master Twitter and you gain access to the key of business acceleration. You can potentially quadruple your earnings, create viral sensations and reach the top of the mountain--in as little as 14 days.

The astonishing story I'm about to share may help you understand the near unbelievable claims I'm making.


When I first met my fiancee Laura, I knew my life would never be the same.

I mean, even outwardly, that itself was an obvious statement.

She is Zimbabwean African. I'm Malaysian Chinese. Her chocolate skin, sparkling brown eyes, and braided hair were foreign to me.

Even though the cultural differences were a challenge we could overcome easily enough, it was the subsequent incidents that I was even more ill-prepared for.

You see, like all people in love, we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, so we got engaged.

Then we hit two major speedbumps along the way.

The first one is that according to her culture--like in a lot of African nations--I was required to pay a dowry to the bride's family--IN CATTLE.

Yes, you got that right. Cattle! The average Zimbabwean dowry is 8 cows.

That was something I didn't mind. After all, I was going to marry the most beautiful girl in the world.

The dowry, roora or lobola as it is known, is a sign of respect to the girl's family, a way of thanking them for raising such a wonderful daughter.

In addition to being a way of reimbursing them for the potential income that the family loses when their daughter is married into another family, the roora is also meant to be a small token of comfort for the 'loss' of their daughter from their family as she is taken under the covering of her husband's family.

However, the second issue was this--the crazed tyrant Robert Mugabe was still in power, and that I minded a whole lot more.

You see, as we were going out in Malaysia, for Laura, things got increasingly bad at home. Despite international pressure, Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe still clung to power. Consequently the country paid the heavy economic price.

The 2 million percent inflation rate has taken its toll on the people of Zimbabwe. In fact, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe recently introduced the 100 Billion Dollar note for easier transactions.


As mocked and parodied as that is by all those inconsiderate comedy shows...
It Is Really No Laughing Matter...

...for the people of Zimbabwe. Thousands are dying everyday.

As a result of the country's ecomonic meltdown, the Dowry is, nowadays, often looked to as a way out of economic suffering. Because times are so hard, instead of a small token of appreciation, families are now demanding OBSCENE amounts for the roora, all out of desperation.

In fact, there have been reports of demands for houses, cars and mobiles --things that we take for granted--in addition to the cattle.

In case you have not gathered, that's a lot of coin. Even as a copywriter earning a comfortable income, I needed to do something drastic to marry my bride.
I needed to get clients, and to get clients fast.

This was the reason I turned to Twitter, since there was so much buzz about it being a potent networking tool.

I decided to use this slightly unconventional strategy because the market was saturated with copywriters willing to work for rock-bottom prices flooding all the conventional vehicles like Elance and job boards.

As I didn't (and shouldn't) compete on price, I decided to go the whole social media route.

Frankly, I didn't know what to expect. After all, tons of people were telling me that this whole Web 2.0 shebang was purely hype, and nothing more.

To my utter surprise, I started getting gigs from day 1. A mere 3 weeks later, these were my results:

1314 warm targeted leads, without spending a cent on PPC
$10,000 worth of value in terms of consultation and JV relationships
Strategic alliances with half a dozen internet millionaires


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