الأحد، 1 مايو 2011

How I Made $729k Buying & Selling Websites

The world is changing, but let’s face it: these are truly exciting times. The world we live in today is not only vastly different from the world of just 10 short years ago, it’s changing so rapidly that in the next 10 years we’ll likely produce things it previously took us 100 years (or more) to do and find ourselves doing things we haven’t even conceived yet.

Think about it for a second. Can you imagine what or how you will live your life in 2020? What about the internet? How will it look 10 years from now? Since looking at one’s past is the best indication of its future, let’s take a short trip down memory lane.
The Internet In 2000: Online spending during the week after Thanksgiving totaled less than $1 billion.


The Internet In 2010: Online spending during the week after Thanksgiving 2009 totaled $3.17 billion: a 372% increase. Excluding travel, digital downloads, and event tickets, retail spending is expected to be approximately $150 Billion in 2010. If you account for total online spending, this number would be far north of $200 Billion.
The Internet In 2000: Social Media was instant messaging.

The Internet In 2010: Social Media is big business. Ranked by Alexa, the now 2nd (Facebook), 4th (YouTube), 12th (Myspace), and 15th (Twitter) most popular sites of 2010 weren’t even ideas back in 2000. These 4 sites collectively are worth an estimated $12 Billion.
These are truly exciting times. While a lot has changed over the past decade, as business owners online (or soon-to-be business owners online), it’s important to note the meteoric rise in two sets of data: 1) worldwide users online and 2) online spending.

With stats like 500,000 new internet users coming online for the first time every day, online business is a freight train you can’t afford to miss.

Think about it for a second. Everything you and I do online generates revenue for someone or some company. If you search, Google makes money. If you sign in to Facebook, Mark is making money. If you buy any sort of product or service online (or simply browse around most popular websites), someone is making money. That reality is what I want to focus on today (and we are not just going to talk about it, I am going to show you how to get involved).


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