السبت، 23 أبريل 2011

Restaurant Marketing Creating Strong Sales In A Weak Economy

The Secret To Successful Restaurant Marketing Is No Secret

That's right. Even in a down economy you can build sales, increase customer counts and increase guest averages with the right restaurant marketing plan. The key is to do the right things that will produce the results you want.
It's not about throwing more money at expensive advertising campaigns or hiring expensive ad agencies, in fact many successful marketing plans require very little investment. It's much more important to follow a step-by-step approach that produces results. But the challenge is knowing how to create that marketing plan with very limited time to focus on it, all while it seems the competition has more resources and more time to steal your customers. And guess what - they do! 
I spent the last 15 years of my life doing everything I could to keep customers out of your restaurant, and send them to my restaurant chains. As Vice President of Marketing for a variety of chains (let's just say they're not the small local guys), it was my job to use multi-million dollar budgets to capture the hearts and minds of your customers, and get them to choose my restaurant over yours.
And that was my full-time focus. While you may be lucky to carve 4 or 5 hours a week out of your busy schedule for marketing efforts, I spent 40, 50, or 60 hours a week focusing solely on the marketing of the restaurant down the road from you. With a staff to support me, I didn't have your daily chores to get in the way of full-time restaurant marketing. No food order to place, no delivery to put away, no disgruntled employees to counsel, no broken equipment to deal with. My sole purpose was to drive customers out of your restaurant and into mine


Tap Into My Restaurant Marketing Experience...

But now that I've left the corporate life, I'm ready to share my wealth of information with you, to show step by step how you can compete with the big guys. I've sat in the board rooms, attended the fancy marketing conferences, and learned how the chains think. And believe it or not, you have some great advantages over the big guys... but I'll get to that in a minute.
My restaurant owner friends have encouraged me to package these years of experience in restaurant marketing in a way that will help in the plight of the restaurant owner and manager today -- to deliver selling strategies that really work. The restaurant industry is in a different place today than the decades of endless growth we enjoyed until recently. Now more than ever, a focus on marketing is as important as your focus on the food you serve.
As I've worked with a variety of restauranteurs over the years, I've watched many of these business owners work themselves half to death just to scrape out a good living. I've also discovered that such "pain" is just NOT necessary. In fact, I've assembled strategies for easily, efficiently and affordably increasing profits from current customers and attracting new customers.

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